Local headlines for Wednesday, October 7, 2020:
- Health and medical professionals raise concerns about hospitalizations. (Tulsa World)
- Health officials report eleven new deaths from COVID-19. (Tulsa World)
- OCPS keeps an eye on COVID numbers before returning to classes. (NewsOK)
- State’s largest colleges adjust their calendars. (Tulsa World)
- High court strikes down another piece of the 2014 Workers Comp overhaul. (Journal Record)
- Lawmakers look into policing issues across the state. (Tulsa World)
- Mayor denies ignoring requests from Black Lives Matter groups. (Tulsa World)
- Tulsa to begin second round of 1921 Race Massacre graves. (Tulsa World)
- Oklahoma employers to pay more into state’s unemployment insurance fund. (Journal Record)
- OKC Streetcar workers want to unionize. (NewsOK)
- State agencies are moving to downtown Oklahoma City. (NewsOK)
- Special Olympics Oklahoma is going virtual for competitions this Fall and Winter. (Fox25)