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Judge dismisses domestic violence charge against Tulsa city councilor

Grant Miller
Tulsa City Council
Grant Miller

Tulsa City Councilor Grant Miller’s misdemeanor domestic violence charge has been dismissed.

Prosecutors accused Miller of kicking the alleged victim into a dresser and grabbing and pushing them during a confrontation. A Tulsa police officer said the victim had bruises on their arms and left hand when they gave the report, according to the probable cause affidavit. Miller was arrested April 25.

“After initially being cooperative with law enforcement and the District Attorney’s Office, the victim in this matter has decided that she no longer wishes to be involved in the prosecution,” reads Special Judge Kasey Baldwin’s motion to dismiss, filed Wednesday.

Baldwin’s motion also says the prosecution doesn’t have enough evidence to proceed without cooperation.

Miller declined to comment on the dismissal Wednesday, and said he would speak on the matter at a later time.

Miller has been involved in multiple legal battles involving the city and his office. These include filming poll workers on Election Day, being the subject of an open meeting lawsuit against three other councilors, and suing Mayor G.T. Bynum for allegedly holding private discussions with councilors about a sales tax and bond package.

The Oklahoma Bar Association has also determined Miller does not meet character and fitness requirements to practice law.

As a councilor, Miller passed a resolution opposing the United States Postal Service moving some of its Tulsa operations to Oklahoma City. He has also worked to repair a recreational trail near Promenade Mall, and has criticized the city’s construction of Zink Lake.

Max Bryan is a news anchor and reporter for KWGS.
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