The animated film Piece By Piece traces Pharrell's early life as a boy growing up in Virginia Beach and follows his trajectory to a Grammy-winning songwriter, performer and producer.
Researchers from the Higher School of Economics found that select unopened Lego sets on the secondary market saw an average annual return of 11% — that's higher than gold.
The toy company says it will work to make its products and marketing more inclusive, citing new research into how kids and parents see creativity through a gendered lens.
Last week, Stephen Mnuchin told a crowd he couldn't legally promote movies he helped fund, then recommended one. His audience laughed. The ranking senator on the Senate Finance Committee isn't amused.
Five "Women of NASA" will be given the LEGO treatment. The toy company announced at the end of February that it will produce the set designed by MIT News science editor and LEGO fan, Maia Weinstock.
The wheelchair is part of Lego's City line and will go on sale in June, according to Lego's spokesperson in Britain and Ireland.
The dinosaurs are a lot smaller than the originals — and so is one of the filmmakers. Paul Hollingsworth and his 8-year-old daughter, Hailee, made a short parody of the science fiction classic.