Amy Ray and Emily Saliers rarely write together, but the unique challenges of the pandemic inspired the veteran folk-rockers to try true collaboration for the first time in years.
The accomplished songwriters are tireless activists for causes ranging from gun control to indigenous rights to the removal of confederate monuments from town squares.
A new season Ari Shapiro's musical chain of gratitude, Play It Forward, begins with Indigo Girls' Amy Ray and Emily Saliers talking about their lifelong bond and the poetic flair of Kae Tempest.
Dolly Parton, Carla Thomas, Fanny, The Runaways and Salt n Pepa are just some of the women who should be in the Hall by now.
Thirty years into her career, Saliers is now releasing music on her own. "What I really wanted to do was make a record with a combination of thoughtful lyrics and serious groove," she says.