The Bethany-Warr Acres Bluff Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant was found to be leaking untreated sewage into Bluff Creek over ten days ago. Over the weekend, temporary pipes carrying the wastewater to a nearby facility for treatment also sprang a leak.
The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality has taken legal action to stop a wastewater treatment plant from leaking sewage into an Edmond creek.
Wastewater testing has proved a reliable early alarm bell for COVID-19 outbreaks. U.S. researchers are now adapting the approach to track the explosive spread of monkeypox, and maybe other viruses.
The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality has issued an emergency order against Garrison Shann for installing unlicensed and hazardous septic systems in northern Oklahoma.
Scientists have identified the new coronavirus variant in wastewater in a few U.S. cities. This type of surveillance can help communities stay a step ahead of omicron's spread.
Treated sewage water accounts for half the water used by Israel's farms. Entrepreneurs are experimenting with ways to cut costs and to ensure that the 86 percent of wastewater that's recycled is safe.