This Week in Oklahoma Politics, KOSU's Michael Cross talks with Republican Political Consultant Neva Hill and Civil Rights Attorney Ryan Kiesel about the…
This Week in Oklahoma Politics, KOSU's Michael Cross talks with Republican Political Consultant Neva Hill and ACLU Oklahoma Executive Director Ryan Kiesel…
A federal court threw out the law enacted in Hot Springs, Ark., that applied to someone approaching a vehicle. The judge ruled that the law violated the First Amendment's protection on free speech.
This Week in Oklahoma Politics, KOSU's Michael Cross talks with Republican Political Consultant Neva Hill and ACLU Oklahoma Executive Director Ryan Kiesel…
This Week in Oklahoma Politics, KOSU's Michael Cross talks with Republican Political Consultant Neva Hill about the failure by the State House to pass a…
The Oklahoma City Council heard proposed loosening of regulations to an anti-panhandling ordinance on Tuesday. The American Civil Liberties Union of…
This Week in Oklahoma Politics, KOSU's Michael Cross talks with Republican Political Consultant Neva Hill and ACLU Oklahoma Executive Director Ryan Kiesel…
This Week in Oklahoma Politics, KOSU's Michael Cross talks with ACLU Oklahoma Executive Director Ryan Kiesel and Republican Political Consultant Neva Hill…
By a 7-2 vote, the Oklahoma City Council bans activities in medians less than 30 feet wide.For more than two hours, several organizations who help the…
On Tuesday, the Oklahoma City Council is expected to vote on an ordinance banning activities in city medians with an emphasis on ending panhandling.KOSU's…