The Fox News star claims the National Security Agency has seen his emails and texts and plans to leak them to force him off the air. But the network hasn't backed up those claims with any reporting.
The story is complicated, and the complexity starts with the underlying practice at issue in the Michael Flynn saga: "unmasking."
The CIA whistleblower complaint that sparked the impeachment inquiry is just the latest in a history of bad blood. And the mistrust Trump has for U.S. intelligence could pose a national security risk.
For the director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Paul Nakasone, it means relentlessly tracking adversaries in cyberspace and increasingly taking action against them.
The impact of WikiLeaks on the world's politics, journalism and culture has been transformative. Here are the highlights.
Army Gen. Paul Nakasone, head of the secretive National Security Agency and Cyber Command, is promising more aggressive cybermeasures against rivals. And he's talking about it — at least a little.
Winner reached a plea deal with prosecutors that calls for her to serve more than five years in prison. She was charged with violating the Espionage Act by sending NSA documents to a news site.
Adm. Michael Rogers says Russian President Vladimir Putin has concluded he can continue to meddle in U.S. cyberspace with little price to pay.
In 2015, an NSA contractor may have taken highly classified cybertools home to a personal computer — from which they were compromised, the Wall Street Journal reports.
The appearance of a National Security Agency report about Russian cyber-mischief adds new detail about what American spies know — but it also highlights much of what still isn't clear.