Deval Patrick passed on running for president this week, saying the campaign process is too "cruel." He's right — there are a lot of downsides to running for president.
Former President George H.W. Bush's son George W. will deliver a eulogy, and three of his granddaughters will give biblical readings. They're just four members of the sprawling Bush family.
Barbara Pierce Bush died Tuesday at the age of 92. Her death was confirmed by a family spokesman. She promoted reading skills across America and was also a best-selling author.
The endorsement is the latest sign that the Republican Party establishment may be lining up behind the Texas Senator.
A fundraiser for the pro-Bush superPAC Right to Rise USA blasted the campaign strategy in an NPR interview. Now, he's accused of having an ax to grind against Bush's campaign manager.
Steve Inskeep talks to Bush fundraiser James Wareham, who is one of those who has to decide whether he is going to put his money behind another candidate.
Whether it was Donald Trump, his family legacy or the way that campaigning has fundamentally changed, it seemed Jeb Bush was never, ever in control.
Jeb Bush hoped to be the third Bush elected to the White House, and carry on a dynasty that began with George H.W. Bush's first presidential run in 1980.
Nearly everybody who competed in Saturday's GOP primary election and Democratic caucus is claiming some form of victory - except for one candidate.
The former Florida governor, a son and brother of presidents, raised enormous amounts of money and spent more on TV ads than any other candidate, but he couldn't overcome a change-hungry electorate.