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It's Pronounced Owen: One Person, Singular


Priscilla Owen overcame many hurdles to get to this point but not all of them. A lot of people, important people, are getting one key fact about her wrong.

President GEORGE W. BUSH: Over four years ago I put Judge Owens' name up to the Senate for confirmation. Judge Owens is finally going to get an up-or-down vote on the Senate floor. Priscilla Owens is well-qualified.


President Bush was speaking yesterday at the White House with Priscilla Owen--that's without an S--at his side. But the president has bipartisan company.

Senator CHARLES SCHUMER (Democrat, New York): In case after case, Justice Owens comes to co--Justice Owen comes to conclusions...

NORRIS: That's Senator Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat. OK, reporters also get it wrong. The AP did. We, at NPR, did, too.

(Soundbite of NPR broadcast)

NOAH ADAMS: The way it looks now, Majority Leader Frist will call for a vote on the Owens nomination as soon as tomorrow.

BLOCK: We couldn't reach Judge Owen for comment, so we contacted another Owen, Steve Owen. He's a scientist in Albuquerque. He says he's plenty used to having that S tacked onto his name.

Mr. STEVE OWEN (Scientist, Albuquerque): Most of the time I just let it pass. But if it's something where my name needs to be remembered correctly, I'll usually tell them, `There's only one of me. I'm a singular person, not a plural person.'

BLOCK: That's Steve Owen of Albuquerque. He's no relation to Judge Priscilla Owen, who was confirmed today to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.

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