From North African contributions to music and culture to what is doubtless this country's greatest contribution to international cuisine, and that would be barbecue. On our show yesterday, we talked with David Plotz, who's written an extensive piece on barbecuing for our partners at the online magazine Slate. David traveled across the country, sampling smoked meats and sauces, and when we spoke, he said that of all the places he's been, the best barbecue is in Texas.
Mr. DAVID PLOTZ (Writer): Basically, you could throw a rock anywhere in Texas, you would hit a barbecue place, and it would be better than any barbecue joint you would eat at probably anywhere else in the whole world. It's like you've died and gone to meat heaven when you go to Texas.
CHADWICK: Well, there are other opinions. `David Plotz missed out on the superior barbecue in Georgia and Alabama.' So writes listener Anne Hodgedook(ph), who goes on to say, `I'll take barbecue from either of those states and South Carolina, too, over Texas barbecue any day. This is the first time I've ever e-mailed regarding the many shows I listen to on NPR, but this is serious stuff.'
Well, serious, indeed. After all, it is barbecue. If you have comments about something you hear on the show, send them along in an e-mail. Our electronic address is [email protected]. And we always look forward to hearing from you.
NPR's DAY TO DAY continues. I'm Alex Chadwick. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.